• Farmer Clusters in Europe

    Frontrunner farmers are getting together in Farmer Clusters to address biodiversity loss and protection at a landscape scale. Explore the map and find a Farmer Cluster near you.

  • How farmers and communities can make a difference

    The opportunities for joint action towards biodiversity protection and promotion at landscape scale are diverse and manifold.   

  • Farming

    Land Management Practice

    Farmers are key in biodiversity conservation and can make a big difference by choosing how to manage their land and applying practices that can benefit both their farming business, biodiversity and the wider environment.


    Citizen Science

    Everyone can help to improve our understanding of biodiversity at a landscape scale, by becoming active and joining or organising citizen science activities to collect data and raise awareness. Activities are taking place across Farmer Clusters.


    Biodiversity data

    Farmers and local communities record and share biodiversity observations around Farmer Clusters, which create important research quality data for the global scientific community.

  • Join the Farmer Cluster Network.

    Are you managing or leading a farmer cluster? Become part of the wider community on recodo and share information and stories about your farmer cluster. Get in touch and tell us more about your activities!